
Teen Tithing envelopes

Tithing, as a spiritual practice, enriches our relationship with God and others, fostering gratitude, trust, and generosity.

Teen Tithing envelopes can be picked up at Life Nights or Small Groups

The Spirituality of Tithing Envelopes

Tithing, as a spiritual practice, enriches our relationship with God and others, fostering gratitude, trust, and generosity. It reminds us of our interconnectedness and shared responsibility in supporting the Church's mission. Tithing envelopes hold a deeper meaning beyond mere monetary contributions, embracing the concept of stewardship. Through these envelopes, we actively acknowledge that everything we possess is a gift from God. Furthermore:
Attendance at Sunday Mass
Submitting tithing envelopes visibly affirms our active participation in Mass. In some parishes, failure to turn in weekly envelopes may result in being considered unregistered. 
Financial Support for the Parish
Tithing envelopes provide an opportunity to contribute financially to the life of our parish, aligning with the precepts of the Church. They help us recognize how we have supported the parish through donations of our time, talent, or treasure throughout the week. 
How much Should I Give?
Biblical teachings often suggest giving around 10% of our income, but this is a goal to strive for by the end of the year. To illustrate, imagine your parents gave you $20 for a Friday night outing. You could consider putting $2 in the envelope for that particular week. Archbishop Emeritus Sheen used to emphasize that even contributing at least $1 a year was significant.

However, it is crucial to consider what we offer in terms of Time and Talent. It is important to fill out these sections on the envelopes, even if we are submitting an empty one. Let's make an effort not only to focus on financial contributions but also to prioritize the giving of our time, skills, and abilities.
These envelopes are specific to teens and separate from the regular tithing envelopes used by parents. All money collected from the teens' tithing envelopes goes to the Life Teen Mission fund, supporting teens' participation in retreats, conferences, missions, and more.
What is Giving Time & Talent?
According to the precepts of the Catholic Church, giving our time and talent directly to the parish is a fundamental aspect of living out our faith and participating in the life of the Church community. It goes beyond financial contributions and encompasses active engagement and service within the parish. Here's an explanation of giving time and talent directly to the parish:

1. Time: Giving our time to the parish means dedicating a portion of our schedule to actively participate in the various activities, ministries, and events that the parish offers. This can involve volunteering for liturgical roles, such as serving as an altar server, lector, or extraordinary minister of Holy Communion during Mass. Additionally, it can involve engaging in parish-based initiatives, such as participating in Life Teen, Jesus & Java, Bible study groups, prayer groups, or attending parish events and social gatherings. By offering our time, we contribute to the vibrant and communal life of the parish, fostering a sense of unity and shared responsibility.

2. Talent: Each person possesses unique skills, abilities, and gifts bestowed upon them by God. Giving our talent to the parish involves utilizing these gifts for the benefit of the parish community. It can include sharing our musical talents by joining the choir or playing a musical instrument during Mass. We can also offer our skills in administration, technology, teaching, or counseling by volunteering for various ministries or committees within the parish. By contributing our talents, we actively participate in the growth and well-being of the parish community, helping to create an environment of support, enrichment, and spiritual nourishment for all. 

Filling at the Envelopes