Meet the team
St. Thomas Aquinas is led by a team of people with different backgrounds, experiences and passions. Some of us are paid leaders, some of our Deacons volunteer. Our operational support staff is dedicated as professionals while embracing the Ministry aspects of the Parish work they do.
We’re honored to be in the roles we are in, and we have a lot of fun, our primary focus is to equip our pairshioners and community for a life of purpose in God's family and on His mission.
We’re honored to be in the roles we are in, and we have a lot of fun, our primary focus is to equip our pairshioners and community for a life of purpose in God's family and on His mission.
Rev. Mr. Tom Tynan
Rev. Mr. Frank Smith
Rev. Mr. Bernard Ela
Office Staff
Rev Mr. Tony Rivera
Administrative Assistant
to the Pastor
to the Pastor
(505) 892 - 1511 ext 107
Amy Montoya
Front Desk Reception
(505) 892 - 1511
Alex Blanco
Admin. Assistant Youth and Young Adult
(505) 892 - 1511
Catalina Davis
Childrens R.E. Assistant
(505) 892 - 1497
Ben Walden
Communications Manager
(505) 892 - 1511
Debbie Chavez
Business Office Manager
(505) 892 - 1511
Toni McWatters
Business Office Asst.
(505) 892 - 1511
Timothy Dominquez
Facilities Manager
(505) 892 - 1511
Levi Padilla
Maintenance Assistant
(505) 892 - 1511