At times, we as the core team might be tempted to think that we are the most significant adults in the lives of our teens. However, the truth is that we are not. God has intentionally placed specific parents in the lives of our teens (Acts 17:26), and He has entrusted the core with only a small part of their daily experiences. When we consider that our most active teens spend around 7 hours a week in youth ministry, we realize the immense influence parents can have, as they interact with their teens for many more hours each week!
How do Parents get involved?- Encourage your teens to show up
- to go beyond just attending one Life Night
- Signing them up for Special Events
- Attend the 6pm Mass together
- Read the Parent Letters and use the discussion questions
- Tithe to the Church and help the teens with their tithing envelopes each week
- Donate directly to youth ministry
- pledge or start a paycheck deduction (sometimes companies match)
- Buy something on our begging list
- Volunteer
- Help cook or sponsor a meal once a month
- Send snacks or goodies for a meeting
- We could always use Gift cards as prizes!!
- Help other teens with a ride
- Attend a Quarterly Parent advisory meeting