
Meeting Times

When Does Life Teen Meet?

At St. Thomas Aquinas, Life Teen encompasses essential elements that align with the vision set forth by Pope St. John Paul II. He emphasized the importance of involving young people in formation, spirituality, and service, allowing them to take responsibility for themselves and their contributions, while avoiding their isolation from the broader community (cf. Listen to the True Word of Life, Pope St. John Paul II, 1993).

Life Teen at St. Thomas Aquinas goes beyond a mere class; it represents a comprehensive approach to formation. This approach is not limited to a singular program or a fixed formula for ministry. Instead, it offers a framework for seamlessly integrating ministry with teenagers and their families into the overall life and mission of the Church. Within this framework, we provide the following components:

  • Weekly Life Teen Mass on Sun at 6:00pm
  • Weekly Life Nights on Sun at 7:00pm
  • Bible Lectionary Discipleship (usually Wed)
    • Jesus & Java
    • Bagels & Bibles
  • Missionary Discipleship
    • Jcore Team
    • Life Teen Leadership Conference
    • Mission trips
  • Justice and Service Opportunities
  • Community building that engage teens in the life of the parish 
  • Special Events
    • Retreats
    • Summer Camps
    • Steubenville Conferences
    • World Youth Day
  • XLT Praise and Worship with Eucharistic Adoration
  • Twitch Streams
  • Sacramental Formation
    • Baptism, Confession, Communion
    • Purpose Confirmation Formation
  • Core Team Training & Development

What do I "HAVE TO" attend?

You have the freedom to choose which opportunities to attend, and each choice you make has its own outcomes. Here at St. Thomas Aquinas Youth Ministry, we believe in approaching Faith Formation at an adult level. This means you have control over your own spiritual growth, but at some point it is  beneficial to participate in the majority of the available options.

Consider it like this: You study football, learn the rules, and understand the strategies, but if you never actually play the game, throw the ball, block, or run, how skilled of a player will you become?

Similarly, if you desire to receive a Sacrament but do not actively engage in the preparation process, you may not meet the requirements needed to fully embrace the life that the sacrament offers and be able to receive it.

As a starting point, it is recommended to attend Mass regularly (at least every week) and join the Life Nights on Sundays. Then, gradually explore opportunities to volunteer and participate in special events. The more effort you invest in your spiritual formation, the greater your growth in your relationship with Christ will be. Remember, it is an exciting journey of discovery and transformation!
Please keep in mind...
Every teenager's faith journey is special and individual. There may be variations in when they start Purpose formation, with the 11th grade being the recommended time, or they may choose to receive Sacraments at a later stage or opt out of joining Jcore. And that's absolutely fine. What truly matters is their ongoing commitment to attending Mass, participating in Life Teen, cultivating their faith, and actively participating in the Parish Community.
What do I show up to, there are so many things?
You have probably looked at the Calendar and saw a ton of events, this is what happens with a vibrant ministry, many things are going on. Now that your teen is registered they can attend all the Life Teen events they want to, their spiritual formation is in their hands. We know that they are busy so at the very least the teens should be attending the Life Nights on Sundays at 7pm and attending Sunday Mass (hopefully the 6pm).

How do I tell if it is a Life Teen Event?
On the High School Youth Ministry Calendar the event will be listed as "Title of the Event | Who can attend"  For Example: