Christmas Novena to the Infant Jesus

Holy Infant Jesus, true God and true Man!
Our only Lord and Savior! I offer you, as a gift for Your Birthday, the love of my heart: I give you my entire life, with all its joys and sorrows.
O loving Jesus, I am sorry that I have offended you by sin, but confident in your infinite goodness and mercy, I trust that you will forgive me.
Now look upon me, with the love you showed us in Your Birth, and grant the favors I humbly ask, if they be for the glory of God and my salvation.
(Here each person presents their requests to God in silence)
O Infant King, we beg you, by the mystery of Your Birth in Bethlehem, Your flight into Egypt, and Your childhood in Nazareth, to grant our prayers. Give us the grace of being devoted to you with all our hearts; and let us serve you faithfully all the days of our lives. Then, may we leave this world, with a holy death, assisted in our last hour, by the prayers of Your holy Mother, and St. Joseph, whose zeal for Your honor shall lead us into Your divine presence, to praise and bless Your divine mercy, for all eternity.
Our only Lord and Savior! I offer you, as a gift for Your Birthday, the love of my heart: I give you my entire life, with all its joys and sorrows.
O loving Jesus, I am sorry that I have offended you by sin, but confident in your infinite goodness and mercy, I trust that you will forgive me.
Now look upon me, with the love you showed us in Your Birth, and grant the favors I humbly ask, if they be for the glory of God and my salvation.
(Here each person presents their requests to God in silence)
O Infant King, we beg you, by the mystery of Your Birth in Bethlehem, Your flight into Egypt, and Your childhood in Nazareth, to grant our prayers. Give us the grace of being devoted to you with all our hearts; and let us serve you faithfully all the days of our lives. Then, may we leave this world, with a holy death, assisted in our last hour, by the prayers of Your holy Mother, and St. Joseph, whose zeal for Your honor shall lead us into Your divine presence, to praise and bless Your divine mercy, for all eternity.