Memo from Msgr. Raun - Sunday, January 10th, 2021
My dear family, Hi, everyone! I hope the New Year is going good for you. Just a few updates: YOU CAN TAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS SIGN DOWN. Many thanks to you who put up your Christmas Evangelization sign. Now is the time to take them down. Perhaps you can store it with your Christmas stuff and use it next year. UPDATE ON FATHER YOUNG: I talk to Father on a regular basis. He is making sure if slow progress in the rehab hospital. He thanks everyone for their prayers and loving support. You can write to Father at Advanced Health Care, 2701 Richmond Drive NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107. Sorry, no visitors (They are very strict about this.) WE ARE PLANNING! No sooner has Christmas ended, but your parish staff has started planning for Lent and Holy Week. My guess is that we will be under the same Covid-restrictions that we are now through Easter, and we are planning accordingly. We promise you that we will do our best to make this Lent spiritually fruitful. Stay tuned for details in a few weeks. REMEMBER THE DEPARTED IN YOUR PRAYERS: We have had a lot of funerals as of late. The Covid restrictions often bring added hardships to their loved ones - like people not being able to attend the funerals, and so forth. Keep the departed and their loved ones in your prayers! I'M OFF FOR A FEW DAYS: I'm taking next week off to "recharge my batteries" for Lent. Fr. McKee will take wonderful care of the parish in my absence. Next weekend the Friars of the Renewal will be helping us with some of the Masses. From Monday Jan. 11 to Wednesday, Jan. 20, there will be no weekday 5 pm confessions, and the 6 pm Mass will instead be a Communion Service. So... my next memo will be about ten days from now....... JUST A REMINDER: HOW TO ATTEND MASS AND RECEIVE HOLY COMMUNION DURING THIS TIME: 1. The normal schedule of Masses - weekday and weekend - are being celebrated in the church. Two-hundred and fifty people can attend each of these Masses. Holy Communion will be distributed at the end of each Mass. Please wear your mask, socially distance, receive Communion on the hand, etc. 2. For those who do not feel comfortable going inside the church yet, every Mass is being broadcast on our low-wattage FM transmitter at 106.5 FM. You can listen to the Mass anywhere in our parish parking lot. Just sit in your car and listen to the Mass. After each Mass, Eucharistic Ministers will go out of the doors of the church with the Blessed Sacrament. Just go line up at the doors and receive Holy Communion. 3. The 9 am Mass will continue to be live-streamed daily, and can be seen on our parish app and website ( Also, remember the following: We are opening the church building every day at 9:45 am until 6:00 pm. ( On Saturdays, 9:30 am to 5 pm. On Sundays from 2 pm to 6 pm.) We have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament during these times. We are hearing Confessions Monday through Friday at 9:45 am and 5:00 pm. Saturday confessions will be at 9:45 am and 2:30 pm. Please call the parish office to arrange funerals, marriages and baptisms. We can have up to 250 persons on these occasions. The Requiem Mass can be celebrated at a funeral. Your priests are happy to make sick calls. Every precaution will be taken to protect the health of the sick person and the priest. Just call the parish office. PLEASE SHARE ALL THIS INFORMATION WITH THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE INTERNET! Laughing is the best medicine : I'm not buying a 2021 planner until I see a "sneak preview". If you ever get an email about pork, ham, salt and preservatives, don't open it: it's SPAM ! I can't believe that I forgot to go to the gym today - that's 7 years in a row ! QUOTES FROM THE SAINTS to give you peace, hope, and strength... “Oh, if only the suffering soul knew how it is loved by God, it would die of joy and excess of happiness! Some day, we will know the value of suffering, but then we will no longer be able to suffer. The present moment is ours.” – St. Faustina I send you my fatherly blessing, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen ! Msgr. Doug Raun |
Posted in Daily Memo from Msgr. Raun
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