Memo from Msgr. Raun- Tuesday December 15th, 2020
My dear family, Good day to you all! THE CHRISTMAS NOVENA starts tomorrow Wednesday, December 16th. We will pray the Novena at all the Masses for these nine days of prayerful preparation for Christmas. At the end of today's memo I am including the Novena prayer so that you can print it and pray it at home. In addition to the normal confession times, each night of the Novena (Dec. 16-23), there will be priests in the church hearing confessions at 6:30 pm. Make your Christmas confession early! THIS THURSDAY, EUCHARISTIC ADORATION will be from 9:30 am to 6 pm IN THE PARISH HALL so that we can do some needed repairs to the Church before Christmas. "NIGHT IN BETHLEHEM" COVID-STYLE : In view of the COVID -19 limitations St. Thomas Aquinas will be hosting a "drive by" living display of the Town of Bethlehem. It will be held on Saturday, December 19th, from 4 pm to 7 pm, in the parish parking lot near the parish hall. It will show the Stable with a living Nativity, and few shops form Bethlehem. You will be able to drive by slowly and see the stable where Our Lord Jesus was born, and the children will receive a gift bag as the family leaves the area. I do hope you are able to join us for this event. The children love it. It's nice to take the kids to go see Santa, but it is wonderful to take them to go see Baby Jesus! "THE PURPOSE OF CHRISTMAS" SMALL GROUPS have one more week next Monday. It's not too late to sign up for the final Bible-study. Just go to the parish website ( and click on "The Purpose of Christmas" tab. UPDATE ON FATHER YOUNG: No big change from our last report. He is still in the hospital. My guess is that in the next week he will be moved to some sort of nursing/rehab facility. Sorry, but still no visitors. Keep up the prayers for him. He sends his thanks! ANNUAL FINANCE REPORT: Our annual parish financial report is up on the website ( I invite you all to read it and see all the good things being done with your tithes. Thank you for your generosity to God and His work! Laughing is the best medicine : Some funny play on words... To the thief who stole my glasses: I will find you...I have contacts If any of you know how to fix broken hinges, my door is always open. Police car looses wheels to thief! Cops are working tirelessly to nab suspect. Quotes From the Saints to give peace and encouragement in difficult times.... “Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer.” – St. Padre Pio CHRISTMAS NOVENA PRAYER Holy Infant Jesus, true God and true Man! Our only Lord and Savior! I offer you, as a gift for Your Birthday, the love of my heart: I give you my entire life, with all its joys and sorrows. O loving Jesus, I am sorry that I have offended you by sin, but confident in your infinite goodness and mercy, I trust that you will forgive me. Now look upon me, with the love you showed us in Your Birth, and grant the favors I humbly ask, if they be for the glory of God and my salvation. (Here each person presents their requests to God in silence) O Infant King, we beg you, by the mystery of Your Birth in Bethlehem, Your flight into Egypt, and Your childhood in Nazareth, to grant our prayers. Give us the grace of being devoted to you with all our hearts; and let us serve you faithfully all the days of our lives. Then, may we leave this world, with a holy death, assisted in our last hour, by the prayers of Your holy Mother, and St. Joseph, whose zeal for Your honor shall lead us into Your divine presence, to praise and bless Your divine mercy, for all eternity. Amen I send you my fatherly blessing, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen ! Msgr. Doug Raun | | |
Posted in Daily Memo from Msgr. Raun
1 Comment
Thank You Monsignor Raun, Father Scott, Father Young, Father Bolman for being Our Most Giving Shepards in Rio Rancho, Our little corner of the world!!! May Our Precious JESUS continue to Bless You With HIS LOVE!