Memo from Msgr. Raun - Tuesday, July 21st, 2020
My dear family, Greetings in the Lord Jesus! 5 Questions to Calm Your Fears as We Emerge from COVID-19 5. What Does the Lord Require of Me in the Meantime? Obviously, we can’t just sit around and wait for the Second Coming to happen. We have a job to do here on earth, and knowing who holds our future, we can walk by faith into tomorrow, with confidence. In the meantime, God first requires us to trust in him. We know he will take care of us, even when situations appear most bleak. Second, we have a mandate to spread the Gospel to all the nations (Matthew 28). This means that we reach out to those who are experiencing despair or fear of the future, and we share the reasons for the hope we have. Third, we should meet the needs of those in the world. Gospel tracts often do very little if we don’t supplement those with meeting a need (giving a large tip to a server, buying groceries for the neighbor who is struggling to pay the bills on unemployment, etc.). After all, if our brother asks for bread, we cannot give them a stone (Matthew 7:9). Finally, we should take care of our family. By family, I mean our church family (although, of course, we shouldn’t neglect our biological one either). Often, we can get so caught up reaching the lost in the world that we fail to realize the sheep in our own communities who need love, giving, and prayers. Reach out to those in your church and ask if you can meet a specific need. Hope Bolinger EUCHARISTIC EXPOSITION TO RESUME : On our next First Friday, August 7th, we will expose the Blessed Sacrament in the church for Adoration from 10 am to 6 pm, concluding with Benediction before the 6 pm Mass. I know that one of the hardest things for us has been the suspension of Perpetual Adoration in our parish. But we had no choice, and even now, many of our committed Adorers are older folk who tell me that they are not ready to leave their homes yet. Also, the Adoration Chapel is a very confined place for more than 3 or 4 adorers, and, I don't know just where else we would be able to hear confessions. But, if First Friday Adoration goes well, I am very open to expanding daytime hours of Adoration in the church. Also, I want us to all be aware that our committed Eucharistic Adorers are still keeping their hours of prayer at home, so there are people interceding in prayer for us twenty-four hours a day. I NEED YOUR HELP WITH WEARING MASKS : Yes, you have been very good about wearing masks at Mass. I know it is a bother and is not the most comfortable thing, but we must do it out of concern for others and in obedience that we owe as Christians to our Archbishop and respect for the authority of the Governor. Please make sure the mask covers your nose. To have your mouth covered but not your nose rather defeats the whole purpose! Also, the mask should be of solid material - a crocheted "mask" isn't going to stop much of anything. And please keep the mask on when you are handed Holy Communion: I'm sure you would feel terrible if at that moment you would be breathing the corona-virus all over the poor Eucharistic Minister. I know these regulations are bothersome, but they are what we have to do. Focus on how wonderful it is that we can once again go to Holy Mass and receive our Lord in Holy Communion! I'M GETTING OUT OF HERE: well, at least for one week. I'm going from the 22nd to the 29th to a cabin in Ruidoso. So no memos for the next week! The parish will be in the capable hands of Fr. McKee, assisted by Fr. Young. LAST WEEKEND we had about 1,000 people at Mass. Remember, we can only have 250 persons present per Mass. The 7 am and the 6 pm are the least attended, so if you are planning on resuming coming to Mass this weekend, you might want to keep that in mind. When we get close to capacity at most of the Masses, we will consider adding more Masses in the Hall. HOW TO GO TO MASS: 1. All Masses - just show up. But remember that we have to close off the church when we reach 250 people in attendance. 2. Wear a mask. 3. Be prepared to receive Communion in the hand. IF WE REACH 250 PEOPLE AT A MASS, and a person arrives after that, they will be invited to come to another Mass, or they can go to their car and wait, and they will be allowed to join the Communion line at the end of Mass. We are now broadcasting every Sunday Mass on our new low-wattage FM transmitter, at 106.5 FM. You can receive this signal from anyplace in the parking lot of the church. Communion outside the doors of the Religious Education Building is distributed after the Sunday 9 am Mass for those who do not yet feel comfortable going inside the church. CONFESSIONS: Weekdays: 8 am and 5 pm Saturday: 8 am and 2:30 pm BAPTISMS, MARRIAGES,SICK CALLS and FUNERALS are all taking place, albeit under the restrictions mandated by the Archbishop and the Governor. Just call the parish office and we will gladly help you with the preparations needed. PLEASE SHARE ALL THIS INFORMATION WITH THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE INTERNET! HOLINESS TIP : The Supernatural Power of Humility, According to the Saints “You must not be discouraged or let yourself become dejected if your actions have not succeeded as perfectly as you intended. “What do you expect? “We are made of clay and not every soil yields the fruits expected by the one who tills it. But let us always humble ourselves and acknowledge that we are nothing if we lack the Divine assistance.“ (St. Padre Pio) LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE:
OUR PRAYER FOR THE DAY: One of the classics. But it's really been in my mind and heart as of late. I think each Christian needs to be praying this in the midst of our "long hot summer"... Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life. Amen. I send you my fatherly blessing, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen ! Msgr. Doug Raun |
Posted in Daily Memo from Msgr. Raun
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