Overview of the Series - Biblical Hope for Mental Health
Adult Education Series
A Biblical Hope and Guide for Help with Mental Health
Starting 22 June 2020, at 7:00pm Msgr Douglas Raun will present five weekly session on biblical references to help yourselves in dealing with mental stresses and issues and giving you the tools and ideas to help others. As we are briefed by the airlines before take-off. “In the event of cabin pressure loss, an oxygen mask will drop form the ceiling panels, take the nearest mask place over your head as pull it tight using the elastic straps. I you are traveling with someone, secure your own mask before assisting them” This is not an act of selfishness, but the reality that if you don’t help yourself first, you can’t help others.
Please join us as we look a biblical scripture that can help you deal with the personal stressors in your life to help you cope and then to see how you can, with the lessons presented, ca help others to cope. This is especially helpful now during the Covid-19 crisis and the changes we have experienced in our normal life routines. The topics to be covered are:
Week 1: 22 June 2020; Change your Life by Changing Your Mind
Msgr Raun will be discussing, Romans 12:2 “Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern the will of God…” Another way of saying this would be by changing the way you think. God is far more interested in changing your mind than in changing your circumstances. Many times, we pray that God changes our life circumstances, the pain, the suffering and the sadness, but God is saying we need to change our thoughts, because nothing really happens to us until we change the way we think renew our minds.
Week 2: 29 June 2020; Weapons of Self Destruction
Msgr Raun will conclude this series by looking at what the bible teaches about the three enemies that are trying to mess up our lives. They want to defeat your family, your life, and your soul. They want to keep you from having joy, and purpose and meaning in your life. They are the world, the flesh and the devil. The world around you, Satan comes against you and the battle within you. If you don’t know who the enemy is you can never win and you will go through life defeated most of your life. Many times in life we see that the true enemy is ourselves and how we defeat ourselves by our thought, we will discuss overcoming the six weapons of self-destruction in our lives, to set us free from ourselves.
Week 3: 6 July 2020; The Battle for Your Mind
Msgr Raun will tell us about the violent battle that is going on in our lives and around us 24 hours a day. It is the battle for our Mind. The battle is vicious, intense and unrelenting and unfair, because Satan never plays fair. The battle is intense as the greatest asset you have in your life is your mind. Msgr will discuss six principles on how we can strengthen our minds, take captive our thoughts and learn how to become effective for Christ.
Week 4: 13 July 2020; The Reality Choice
Msgr Raun will be discussing how the childhood game Whack-A-Mole is a fitting metaphor for our lives. It seems that no matter how many times we whack evil down, it always pops up again and again and again. This is true of persistent sin and temptations in our lives, Msgr will give us guidance on how to unplug the power from sin and temptation in our lives, how to relinquish our control in our lives and to follow the word of God and to let go of our control and let God guide.
Week 5: 20 July 2020; Winning with The Hand You’re Dealt
Msgr Raun will give a presentation on the being the person who God created you to be. We read in Ecclesiastes 7:18 “A person who fears God deals responsibly with all of reality, not just a piece of it” If we are to be the person God created up to be, we must look at every area of our life. We will have to deal with eh gifts, skills, and talents God has given to us, to be who God wants us to be and not who we want to be. We will discuss five factors tht influence who we are in life. We will learn how to win the game with the hand we have been dealt.