Memo from Msgr. Raun- October 16th, 2020
My dear family, Greetings in the Lord Jesus ! BENEFITS OF WORSHIPING DURING "Why, God?" HARDSHIPS Worship Means We’re Letting Go of ‘Why’ Often as humans, we like feeling like we are in control. But when we go through trials and we choose to worship God, we are making a conscious decision to trust God even though we don’t understand what He’s going to do. God tells us his ways and thoughts are higher than ours, and we know that’s true, but we still struggle at times (Isaiah 55:8-9). The truth is, we want to control things in my life. When we choose to worship, we are acknowledging we are not in control. It is a conscious decision to submit to God. The first time we truly submitted to God, we can almost hear something break. It is our will. And that is a good kind of breaking. It wasn’t us waving a white flag in desperation, saying to God, “I give up!” But instead it was us realizing God is God...and I am not. He is the potter and we are the clay. ALL SOUL'S DAY, November 2nd, is coming up. Fr. McKee and I will each offer the traditional three Masses for the dead that day. If you would like your departed loved ones included in these Masses, use the All Souls Day envelopes that are included in your monthly mailing, or pick up an envelope at the doors of the church. If you can't do that, just mail or bring by the office or list of the departed, with whatever offering you may choose to make. Get us your names by November 1st, and we will offer the Masses for them. As Holy Scripture tells us "It is a holy and a pious thought to pray for the dead." LAST WEEKEND we had about 1100 people in person at Mass - down a little from last week. I think part of it was the three-day weekend, and part of it was the spike in Corona-virus cases. Remember that we are doing everything humanly possible to make going to Mass safe- we enforce wearing masks and social distasting, and the church is entirely disinfected after each Mass. I feel that going to Mass is as lest as safe as going to the supermarket, if not more so! I, like everyone, was sad to see that yesterday was the highest number of daily new Covid cases ever reported in our state. The Governor said that if the numbers do not go down, she may impose new restrictions. Just the thought that we may not be able to publicly celebrate Christmas Mass is depressing beyond words. So - let's all do our part in turning back the spread of this wretched virus, and pray that God will deliver us from this pandemic! PRAISE REPORT: God continues to send us words of encouragement through His faithful people. This note came in the collection last week together with a generous check: "Because we want to share an unexpected windfall and feel like God made it happen. We feel that this amount is just a small deed compared to all the things He has done for us. We appreciate what the church provides for us and hopefully this gift will show it, in a small way. Thank you." 40 DAYS OF PRAYER! We are well into our Fall spiritual campaign – 40 Days of Prayer! Wherever I go people are telling me how much they are enjoying our 40 Days of Prayer small groups. And it's not too late for you to join one. It you have a personal computer, tablet, or smart phone with Internet access, you can join. Just go to the parish website - - and click on the join button. Then you will also be emailed the Scripture verse we are meditating on each day. HOW TO GO TO MASS: 1. All Masses - just show up. But remember that we have to close off the church when we reach 300 people in attendance. 2. Wear a mask. 3. Be prepared to receive Communion in the hand. IF WE REACH 300 PEOPLE AT A MASS, and a person arrives after that, they will be invited to come to another Mass, or they can go to their car and wait, and they will be allowed to join the Communion line at the end of Mass. We are now broadcasting every Sunday Mass on our new low-wattage FM transmitter, at 106.5 FM. You can receive this signal from anyplace in the parking lot of the church. Holy Communion outside the doors of the Fr. D'Arco Parish Hall is distributed after the Sunday 9 am Mass for those who do not yet feel comfortable going inside the church. CONFESSIONS: in the Adoration Chapel Weekdays: 8 am and 5 pm Saturday: 8 am and 2:30 pm EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT : Monday through Friday, 10 am to 6 pm BAPTISMS, MARRIAGES,SICK CALLS and FUNERALS are all taking place, albeit under the restrictions mandated by the Archbishop and the Governor. Just call the parish office and we will gladly help you with the preparations needed. PLEASE SHARE ALL THIS INFORMATION WITH THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE INTERNET! HOLINESS TIP : Quotes from one of the greatest Christian teachers of the 20th Century, C.S. Lewis...…. “Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth ‘thrown in’: aim at Earth and you will get neither.” LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE: Pay special attention to the wording and spelling. If you know the Bible even a little, you'll find this hilarious. It comes from a Catholic elementary school test. The kid's answers have not been retouched or corrected. IN THE FIRST BOOK OF THE BIBLE, GUINESSIS. GOD GOT TIRED OF CREATING THE WORLD SO HE TOOK THE SABBATH OFF. ADAM AND EVE WERE CREATED FROM AN APPLE TREE. NOAH'S WIFE WAS JOAN OF ARK. NOAH BUILT AND ARK AND THE ANIMALS CAME ON IN PEARS. OUR PRAYER FOR THE DAY: I came across this prayer that I really like. It's called "A Prayer For Election Anxiety" Our Heavenly Father, Thank you for being with us and for sending the Holy Spirit to comfort us and to guide us. Lord, right now it feels like there is so much at stake, and there is a lot of anxiety about the upcoming election. People are worried. Your Word says to be anxious for nothing, but in everything to come to You; I ask that you provide peace and comfort to the worried hearts of this country right now. Relieve their anxiety by helping them to focus on You and Your will. Help those who feel anxious to instead feel Your presence. Please diffuse the spirit of anxiety across the nation, bringing understanding between all people. Reign over us, O Lord, instead of fear. We ask this, Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. I send you my fatherly blessing, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen ! Msgr. Doug Raun | | |
Posted in Daily Memo from Msgr. Raun
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