Memo from Msgr. Raun - Friday, July 17, 2020
My dear family, Greetings in the Lord Jesus! 5 Questions to Calm Your Fears as We Emerge from COVID-19 4. What’s God’s Ultimate Plan for the Future? We know that the story ends well. And if all is not well, we have not reached the end of the story. In Revelation, we see God bringing a new heaven and earth, bringing an end to suffering, tears, and death. God’s ultimate plan for the future will, as J.R.R. Tolkein stated in the Lord of the Rings “everything sad is going to come untrue.” Hope Bolinger BIBLICAL HOPE FOR MENTAL HEALTH : Our Monday Night Bible Study course concludes this Monday, July 20, with "Winning With The Hand Your Dealt". There are many things that make up our personality that we did not ask for, but were "dealt" to us in life. But with the help of God and His Word, we can choose to make a "winning hand" out of them! Come learn how! 7 pm, on our parish website ( or on the parish app. CARE KITS are still going out, at an average of about five a week. If you are not able to leave your home, or know someone in that situation, just call the parish office and we will be happy to deliver a box of basic foodstuffs and household supplies, at no charge. Many thanks to our Care Kit volunteers who make this possible, and to the many people who have donated to our Care Kit fund. God reward you! HOW TO GO TO MASS: 1. All Masses - just show up. But remember that we have to close off the church when we reach 250 people in attendance. 2. Wear a mask. 3. Be prepared to receive Communion in the hand. IF WE REACH 250 PEOPLE AT A MASS, and a person arrives after that, they will be invited to come to another Mass, or they can go to their car and listen to Mass on our new low-wattage FM transmitter, at 106.5 FM. You can receive this signal from anyplace in the parking lot of the church. Then, at the end of Mass, you can come in to receive Holy Communion! If you are not yet comfortable with going into church at all you can come to church parking lot at 9 am, listen to the Mass on your car radio (106.5 FM), and then receive Holy Communion outdoors in front of the Religious Education Building at the end of Mass. CONFESSIONS: Weekdays: 8 am and 5 pm Saturday: 8 am and 2:30 pm BAPTISMS, MARRIAGES,SICK CALLS and FUNERALS are all taking place, albeit under the restrictions mandated by the Archbishop and the Governor. Just call the parish office and we will gladly help you with the preparations needed. PLEASE SHARE ALL THIS INFORMATION WITH THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE INTERNET! HOLINESS TIP : The Supernatural Power of Humility, According to the Saints “Humility, however deep it be, neither disquiets nor troubles nor disturbs the soul; it is accompanied by peace, joy and tranquility…Far from disturbing or depressing the soul, humility enlarges it and makes it fit to serve God better.” (St. Teresa of Avila) LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE: my Dad sent me these !
O beautiful Flower of Carmel, Most fruitful vine, Splendor of Heaven, Holy and Singular, Who brought forth the Son of God, still ever remaining a pure Virgin, Assist us in our necessities. O Star of the Sea, Help and protect us. Show us that you are our Mother. Amen. I send you my fatherly blessing, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen ! Msgr. Doug Raun |
Posted in Daily Memo from Msgr. Raun
1 Comment
Why does the Order of Mass in our diocese continue to be changed to receiving communion by hand only and giving thanksgiving in the car? I observe daily Mass on EWTN, the have not changed the Order of Mass and distribute communion either on the tongue or hand. I've spoken to Priest in other states and the only thing they've changed is to receive by hand.