Dear Adorer of Jesus,

Thank you for committing to spend one hour in adoration in front of the Real Presence of Jesus.
Most people sign up for an adoration hour in order to deepen their personal prayer, but as a scheduled adorer, your role goes beyond just showing up to spend time with Jesus: you are the host of that time period of adoration, making it possible for other people to stop in and encounter our Lord. Thank you! 
Your hospitality and compassion for the people that come into the chapel is the difference between people feeling welcome in the presence of our Lord and those same people feeling like an unwanted intruder who should take their difficulties elsewhere. You are SO important! 
Please note: this does not mean that we expect you to greet your guests or interrupt their prayer. Actually, we'd prefer that you leave them alone to be with Jesus. Your hospitality should consist of a kind demeanor and, at most, a smile or a wave. Beyond that, your hour is a time for you to enjoy the company of our Eucharistic Lord, become familiar with His voice, and learn to love Him more deeply. What a special gift! 

Let us introduce your Adoration Leadership Team:
Perpetual Adoration Coordinator – Victoria Leyba
Adoration Captains
Early morning: (Midnight-5am) Victoria Leyba 505-750-3547
Morning: (6am-11am) Sharon Kuchar 505-259-2797
Afternoon: (Noon - 5pm) Sandy Mueller 505-271-2416
Evening: (6pm-11pm) Pat and Jolyn Murphy 505-615-9963

Each Adoration Captain is responsible to ensure there is adorers for their individual time period. Please, read through this guide carefully, and if you have any questions, give us a call at 505-207-0570
This team is looking forward to getting to know you and assisting you in growing your faith through this wonderful ministry. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you ever need anything
Again, thank you for your commitment: we could not do this without you! Each person who commits to one hour keeps the Chapel open, so everyone can adore. I also know that you will receive great personal graces from our Lord, who will wait for you every week, at your usual hour.
Sincerely your adoration team.

What Do I do?

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Sign Up

You can sign up at for an adorer account by clicking the "Sign Up" button at the top of the page. After completing the form, your account is created, and you are immediately logged in .

If you are already a committed adorer, your account is already created.

Check In

On your assigned day arrive at the Chapel about 5 minutes earlier then your assigned time.  Check in on the Ipad, your name will turn Green 

Grab a Sash

After Check In, take a sash which is hanging on the wall to the right of the iPad. Proceed into the Chapel and place the sash over the pew in front of you. This will let the previous committed adorer know you are the next committed adorer and they know you will stay for the full hour, until the next committed adorer arrives. 


Spend time with Jesus.  You can read religious books (there's some on the book shelf that you can use in the chapel).  You can pray either with formal or informal prayer or just spend time in silence being with him, gazing upon him.   

Check out

As your hour comes to a close, please do not leave until the next adorer comes in (make sure it is the COMMITTED adorer and not just a visitor!) They should have the sash that is placed over the pew.

Go back to the Ipad and select your Name (should be green) and tap it.  You will be Checked out.

Important info for the committed adorer

Arrive Early

Try to arrive at least 5 minutes earlier then your assigned time.  This will allow you to check in and get settled by the time your hour starts.

Arrive Early

Try to arrive at least 5 minutes earlier then your assigned time.  This will allow you to check in and get settled by the time your hour starts.

2 committed adorers 

It is our goal to have at least two committed Adorers for each hour. This gives you the opportunity to coordinate with the other Adorer, your prayer partner to make sure your scheduled hour will always be covered and Our Lord will not be left alone (which CAN NOT happen).  It is a good practice to exchange phone numbers. 

Use the online Scheduling tool 

Use the online scheduling tool.  It is easy to use just go to the website .  More details of what you can do on this site is listed below. 

What do I do if I cannot come on my appointed time and day? 

We have a wonderful automated sub system, but we don’t want to wear out our subs! Our goal is to only make an online request if it’s absolutely necessary. If you know you can’t make your hour one week, do the following: 
  •  Try to Contact the other person assigned to your hour. As long as you are sure one other committed person will be there, that’s all that you need to do. If the other adorer at your scheduled time will be there, you do not need to request a sub! You’re done!
  •  If they won’t be there or you’re the only one on your hour, before you request through the system, try to find your own sub (friend, family member, etc.) by asking around. If you find someone you know will show up, you’re done and don’t need to request a sub through the system. Be sure to tell them to sign-in and to take the "Sash" when they arrive.
  • If the first 2 fail, then use the sub system. Go to the website
    •  Adorers can log in to their Dashboard page to view their adoration commitments. Next to each upcoming adoration date is a "Request Substitute" button which they can use to request a substitute for that date.

online System

What can I do with the online system -

Our new automated system is to help you and our Adoration leadership team keep organization in one central location and easy for you to manage 24hours a day, 7days a week.

By logging in you can do the following:
  • Simple Scheduling
    • Adorers can see which hours are most in need.
    • Make an adoration commitment or Change one
  • Smart Notifications
    • Setup reminders and select how the want to be contacted (email, phone call, or txt)
  • Automated Substitute Finder
    • Adorers can easily request a substitute without involving an Adoration Captain.
    • Will automatically contact possible substitutes one at a time until if finds a replacement.
  • Check to see if the Adoration Chapel is open
    • Can view if the adoration chapel is open in case of Bad Weather? Easter triduum? or any other problems arise.
  • Works on any device
    • Nothing to download
    • Works on PC, Laptop, tablet or smartphone
    • Just go to the web address