Memo from Msgr. Raun- Tuesday, February 2nd, 2021
My dear family, A blessed day to you all! Today is the 40th day after Christmas, the feast of the Presentation of our Lord in the Temple (normally called Candlemas Day, because we bless candles today - because Simenon said this day that the baby Jesus would be "a light to the nations"). UPDATE ON FATHER YOUNG: Father is doing better and getting stronger every day. It's a joy for me to once again live in the same house with him - after 24 years! SUPPORTING OUR SISTERS: So far we have received about $10,000 for our retired Filippini Sisters. You all are so generous, especially in these hard times. I am very proud of you! If you would still like to give something, donations can be placed in an envelope marked "Filippini Sisters" and sent to the parish office during this week. Then we will send everything to the Motherhouse in New Jersey, where the retired Sisters live. A NOTE FROM FR. McKEE: MEA CULPA-- My dear parish family, I overslept Sunday morning and missed the 7 o’clock Mass. I sincerely apologize and resolve to make sure it doesn’t happen again. I set my alarm for 5 as usual, but awoke with a start from a deep sleep at 6:55 when the sacristan called. I don’t understand what happened. I think I’ll start setting a second alarm like I used to to do at the monastery when I had to get up at 3. This was a first for me and I hope it’s the last. Thank you for your patience and understanding, Fr. McKee. (I did the same thing a few years ago. I guess these things happen from time to time just to remind everyone that priests are human beings! ST. BLAISE DAY is tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 3rd. We will have the traditional Blessing of Throats that day, but with the prayer being said once over everyone present, as is allowed in special circumstances, to keep everyone safe. NIFTY HOLY WATER FOUNTS/DISPENSERS THAT ARE COVID SAFE ! All 10 Holy Water dispensers were donated within 72 hours of my request! You all are wonderful. They are ordered and I told the company to get them to us ASAP. LOOKING AHEAD TO LENT: We have made our plans for Lent, and I just want to share them in a broad way with you: ASH WEDNESDAY is Feb. 17th. On Ash Wednesday we will have services every hour on the hour from 7 am to 7 pm for the giving of ashes. The 9 am and 6 pm will be Holy Mass, all the other services will be short prayer services. STATIONS OF THE CROSS AND BENEDICTION will be every Friday of Lent at 3 pm and 7 pm. They will also be lived-streamed on our website. LENTEN BIBLE STUDY 2021 : Our theme for this Lent is going to be "40 Days of Love". With so much anger going around nowadays, I thought this would be a really good thing for us to study! It will be every Monday night of Lent at 7 pm. It will be live-streamed, and for those who wish, there will be small-group discussion on Zoom after the presentation. ASKING YOUR PRAYERS: Many of you know my friend, Fr. Michael Vigil, a priest of the Diocese of Gallup, who has been at our parish for many special occasions. Fr. Vigil died suddenly of a heart attack this morning. Please keep him in your prayers. May he rest in peace. PLEASE SHARE ALL THIS INFORMATION WITH THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE INTERNET! QUOTES FROM THE SAINTS to give you peace, hope, and strength... ”Who except God can give you peace? Has the world ever been able to satisfy the heart? – St. Gerard Majella I send you my fatherly blessing, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen ! Msgr. Doug Raun | | |
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