Happy New Year! No, I'm Not Crazy

Today (Sun Nov 29) is the New Liturgical Year for Catholics!! In this letter we have the following info:
  1. Advent Calendar
  2. Retreats/Conferences
  3. Giving Tuesday
    1. Amazon Prime and Twitch
    2. Amazon List
    3. Donate
We started decorating for Christmas about 2 weeks ago. I know, I know, we shouldn't decorate before thanksgiving but we did (don't hate). After this year, everyday seemed like the Movie "Groundhog Day", the same thing over and over. We needed a boost, we needed something to look forward to. We needed "Hope" that things would get better, the hope we get with the birth of the Christ Child.

So today, the first Sunday of Advent, the start of the liturgical year, we prepare the way for Christ to come into our homes, lives, and our hearts. In order to help us the YM Core team created an online Advent Calendar (sorry couldn't figure out how to get the chocolates to you each day).

Check out it out at www.stanm.org/ymadvent or you can access it from the STA App under High School.
We have decide to focus our attention on having "ALL OF HIGH SCHOOL TEENS" attend Steubenville West Conference, currently scheduled for July 16-18, 2021 in Tuscon AZ.
We are currently fundraising for this trip to help offset the costs.
Remember, Giving Tuesday is next week on December 1! Give the gift of youth ministry by supporting us. Of Course your monthly tithe the parish helps to support our wonderful ministry but we know many of you would like to go beyond your the tithe to donate directly to youth ministry. Below is a few ways to give directly to Youth ministry.

Amazon Prime and Twitch
Twitch Prime is a premium experience on the video-game streaming service that’s included with an Amazon Prime membership. Twitch Prime includes bonus games, exclusive in-game content, and more.

For many people, the most valuable benefit of a Prime membership is the free Twitch channel subscription that comes with it. This benefit directly supports your favorite streamer: "STA Gamers Lab". This will donate $5 a month to us and is included with your prime membership, with no extra costs to you.
To learn how to do this visit: https://www.howtogeek.com/670241/how-to-subscribe-to-a-twitch-streamer-using-amazon-prime/

Amazon Wish List
As you are doing your holiday shopping or at any time in the year you would like to purchase something for youth ministry that we are already looking at buying visit our
Amazon wish list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3DQD7NWSCTB81?
We keep this list updated.

Check or Cash can mailed or dropped off at the Parish Office. Please Ensure that it is marked for Youth Ministry or in the Check comments area it says Youth Ministry.

By Credit Card:
To The Youth Ministry General Fund - https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=FSR9RPM8VH2NW

For the Steubenville West Conference Fund -
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