Memo from Msgr. Raun - Saturday, May 23rd, 2020
My dear family,
Greetings in the Risen Lord!
TREASURES FROM THE QUARANTINE: The Treasure of Contentment
Although there was the initial madness of hoarding supplies, many Americans learned how to “make do,” just as their ancestors did. The lockdown startled people, but reminded them how little they needed for a satisfying life.
For many, when grocery store lines were ridiculously long, practicing presence meant cooking meals at home with existing pantry supplies. It became one way to observe and appreciate what God had already provided.
People discovered how to live with less income. They distinguished needs from wants. Some even went through their closets, shelves and garage, shedding the excess from their lives and sharing with others. They uncovered the treasure of contentment by streamlining possessions—keeping the valuable, and simplifying their homes by eliminating clutter.
Contentment in the present brings a sense of peace that is never found in the constant grasp for more. And it’s a peace so profound, the world cannot understand it.
Continue to value what is truly important: people over things, and true treasures over trinkets and gadgets. Consider rational minimalism by asking, “Do I need this?”
Let go of things that hinder family life and ministry, or distract from pursuing God’s purposes for your life. Stop hoarding and practice contentment by praying before shopping and thanking God for what you already have.
Consider how blessed you are, and think of ways to love others through selfless sharing of your bountiful resources. Practice hospitality.
Godliness with contentment is great gain. (1 Timothy 6:6)
Dawn Wilson
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: We have had several inquiries as to when we are going to reopen the Adoration Chapel. Heaven knows I want that also. But there are a few problems we have to figure out.
First, I want to remind everyone of one great truth: the church has been open for adoration every day! There is a difference between adoration and exposition! Adoration means coming into the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament to adore Jesus Christ. Exposition means when the Blessed Sacrament is placed in the Monstrance so that we can actually see the Blessed Sacrament. But Jesus Christ is no less present in the Tabernacle than He is in the Monstrance. In one case there is a piece of metal between you and the Blessed Sacrament, in the other case a piece of glass. The church is open from 7 am to 7 pm every day precisely so that you can go adore our Eucharistic Lord.
The trick to resuming 24 hour Exposition is that it demands two committed adorers to be present all the time. Many of our committed adorers are elderly and frail, and will not, or should not, be going out. Also, we could allow only five people in the chapel at a time under the current regulations. And, we would have to find a different place for confessions: the chapel is perfect for them. (You can't socially distance in a traditional confessional.) Anyhow, we are trying to work all these things out.
The important thing to remember is that at this very moment the church is open, and Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is there, waiting for you to come adore Him.
HABITS OF HAPPINESS MONDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY will be on-line at 7 pm. I'll be teaching on Philippians 3 , where St. Paul teaches us Five Daily Habits for Happiness. Come join us!
1. Weekday Mass - just show up.
Saturday evening and Sunday Mass - make a reservation by calling the parish office (892-1511) or go to or use the parish app.
2. Wear a mask.
3. Be prepared to receive Communion in the hand.
MASS TIMES : it's our normal schedule with one exception - 12:30 pm Sunday Mass is now moved to 1 pm.
MEMORIAL DAY: May 25. We will have no 6 pm Mass that day. The office will be closed.
CONFESSION TIMES: Monday through Friday - 5 pm, Saturday - 2:30 pm
You need to be in the church at those times if you wish to confess. When the last penitent in line has confessed, the priest will not wait around: he will go home!
TOMORROW our daily memo will be the Sunday Mass sent embedded in an email. Memorial Day I am taking a break! So, barring any emergencies, the next memo will be on Tuesday.
HOLINESS TIP for Making Prayers of Petition More Effective....Forgive .Lack of forgiveness is a major obstacle to answered prayers. (Matt. 6:14-15)
Breaking News: Wearing a mask inside your home is now highly recommended. Not so much to stop COVI D-19, but to stop eating.
When this quarantine is over, let's not tell some people.
OUR PRAYER FOR THE DAY: being the month of May, a prayer in honor of our Lady...
We greet you, Holy Mary, Daughter of God the Father, and entreat you to obtain for us a devotion like your own to the most Sweet Will of God.
We greet you, Virgin Mother of God the Son, and entreat you to obtain for us such union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus that our own hearts may burn with love of God and an ardent zeal for the Salvation of Souls.
We greet you, Immaculate Spouse of God the Holy Spirit, and entreat you to obtain for us such yielding of ourselves to the Blessed Spirit, that He may, in all things, direct and rule our hearts and that we may never grieve Him in thought, word or deed.
I send you my fatherly blessing, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen !
Msgr. Doug Raun
Greetings in the Risen Lord!
TREASURES FROM THE QUARANTINE: The Treasure of Contentment
Although there was the initial madness of hoarding supplies, many Americans learned how to “make do,” just as their ancestors did. The lockdown startled people, but reminded them how little they needed for a satisfying life.
For many, when grocery store lines were ridiculously long, practicing presence meant cooking meals at home with existing pantry supplies. It became one way to observe and appreciate what God had already provided.
People discovered how to live with less income. They distinguished needs from wants. Some even went through their closets, shelves and garage, shedding the excess from their lives and sharing with others. They uncovered the treasure of contentment by streamlining possessions—keeping the valuable, and simplifying their homes by eliminating clutter.
Contentment in the present brings a sense of peace that is never found in the constant grasp for more. And it’s a peace so profound, the world cannot understand it.
Continue to value what is truly important: people over things, and true treasures over trinkets and gadgets. Consider rational minimalism by asking, “Do I need this?”
Let go of things that hinder family life and ministry, or distract from pursuing God’s purposes for your life. Stop hoarding and practice contentment by praying before shopping and thanking God for what you already have.
Consider how blessed you are, and think of ways to love others through selfless sharing of your bountiful resources. Practice hospitality.
Godliness with contentment is great gain. (1 Timothy 6:6)
Dawn Wilson
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: We have had several inquiries as to when we are going to reopen the Adoration Chapel. Heaven knows I want that also. But there are a few problems we have to figure out.
First, I want to remind everyone of one great truth: the church has been open for adoration every day! There is a difference between adoration and exposition! Adoration means coming into the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament to adore Jesus Christ. Exposition means when the Blessed Sacrament is placed in the Monstrance so that we can actually see the Blessed Sacrament. But Jesus Christ is no less present in the Tabernacle than He is in the Monstrance. In one case there is a piece of metal between you and the Blessed Sacrament, in the other case a piece of glass. The church is open from 7 am to 7 pm every day precisely so that you can go adore our Eucharistic Lord.
The trick to resuming 24 hour Exposition is that it demands two committed adorers to be present all the time. Many of our committed adorers are elderly and frail, and will not, or should not, be going out. Also, we could allow only five people in the chapel at a time under the current regulations. And, we would have to find a different place for confessions: the chapel is perfect for them. (You can't socially distance in a traditional confessional.) Anyhow, we are trying to work all these things out.
The important thing to remember is that at this very moment the church is open, and Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is there, waiting for you to come adore Him.
HABITS OF HAPPINESS MONDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY will be on-line at 7 pm. I'll be teaching on Philippians 3 , where St. Paul teaches us Five Daily Habits for Happiness. Come join us!
1. Weekday Mass - just show up.
Saturday evening and Sunday Mass - make a reservation by calling the parish office (892-1511) or go to or use the parish app.
2. Wear a mask.
3. Be prepared to receive Communion in the hand.
MASS TIMES : it's our normal schedule with one exception - 12:30 pm Sunday Mass is now moved to 1 pm.
MEMORIAL DAY: May 25. We will have no 6 pm Mass that day. The office will be closed.
CONFESSION TIMES: Monday through Friday - 5 pm, Saturday - 2:30 pm
You need to be in the church at those times if you wish to confess. When the last penitent in line has confessed, the priest will not wait around: he will go home!
TOMORROW our daily memo will be the Sunday Mass sent embedded in an email. Memorial Day I am taking a break! So, barring any emergencies, the next memo will be on Tuesday.
HOLINESS TIP for Making Prayers of Petition More Effective....Forgive .Lack of forgiveness is a major obstacle to answered prayers. (Matt. 6:14-15)
Breaking News: Wearing a mask inside your home is now highly recommended. Not so much to stop COVI D-19, but to stop eating.
When this quarantine is over, let's not tell some people.
OUR PRAYER FOR THE DAY: being the month of May, a prayer in honor of our Lady...
We greet you, Holy Mary, Daughter of God the Father, and entreat you to obtain for us a devotion like your own to the most Sweet Will of God.
We greet you, Virgin Mother of God the Son, and entreat you to obtain for us such union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus that our own hearts may burn with love of God and an ardent zeal for the Salvation of Souls.
We greet you, Immaculate Spouse of God the Holy Spirit, and entreat you to obtain for us such yielding of ourselves to the Blessed Spirit, that He may, in all things, direct and rule our hearts and that we may never grieve Him in thought, word or deed.
I send you my fatherly blessing, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen !
Msgr. Doug Raun
Posted in Daily Memo from Msgr. Raun
1 Comment
Thank you Msgr Raun for sharing The Holy Spirit in you with us, your family