Memo from Msgr. Raun - Saturday, May 16th, 2020
My dear family,
Greetings in the Risen Lord!
One of Four Ways to Deal With Your COVID-19 Worries
3. Relax and give God your worries in prayer
We all need to take time to count our blessings. In times like these, you must continually remind yourself of all God has done in your life.
But I also think it’s important to count your worries. Often, we just have a general sense of anxiety, but we don’t know what’s causing it. Before you can give God your worries, you need to have a clear idea of what they are. Once you’ve written them down, you can hand them over to God in prayer.
St. Peter says, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you” (1 Peter 5:7 ). You weren’t designed to carry your worries. It’s unnatural. God is big enough and strong enough to handle all your worries.
HOW TO GO TO MASS: this is for any Mass, weekday or weekend.....
1. Make a reservation - go to the parish website or call the office 892-1511. The office is open today until 5 pm.
2. Wear a mask. If you don't wear a mask, you won't be let into the church.
3. Receive Holy Communion on the hand. It's much safer for everyone.
Yesterday afternoon, after we had made all our plans and announcements, the Governor raised the attendance allowed at houses of worship to 25% . But it was just too late for us to change our plans, so this weekend we are operating at 10%. I'm sure that for next weekend, we will be able to expand to the 25% limit.
Because of the restoration of public Masses, we need to adjust the Confession times, effective TODAY :
Monday through Friday - 5 pm
Saturday - 2:30 pm
You need to be in the church at those times if you wish to confess. When the last penitent in line has confessed, the priest will not wait around: he will go home!
ST. FELIX FOOD DRIVE is today until 7 pm. Just go to the St. Felix truck parked outside the church. They are happy to accept non-perishable food and monetary donations.
CONGRATULATIONS ST. THOMAS AQUINAS SCHOOL GRADUATES : I just came from our school "graduation". It was so nice. The outside of the school was decorated with pictures of the graduates. Then the kids came by one by one in decorated cars. All the teachers and staff were lined up and congratulated the kids as they drove by. Then they were handed a bag through the car window with their diploma and small gifts. It was really lovely, and great fun. God bless our graduates: they got "cheated" out of their formal graduation and dinner/dance, but they all looked so happy. And God bless their families who sacrifice so that their kids can receive a Catholic education.
And God bless all of our Sisters, teachers, and staff at the school. They have been amazing, especially being able to switch to on-line teaching during this pestilence.
IF YOU ARE UNDER 60, JESUS NEEDS YOU. As we prepare for Phase 1 of public worship reopening, we are needing readers, ushers, Eucharistic ministers and other ministries. At this stage of the game, we want people who are under 60 - people who are not "high risk". Guess what: we don't have those many of them.
It's understandable - older parishioners don't have kids at home and are often retired. But at this time, we have to protect them from the virus. If you are 18 to 59 years old, I want to challenge you: what are you doing for your church family? This is your time to serve. Jesus needs you - now. If the Lord is calling you to step up and meet the challenge of these times, give the church office a call. 892-1511
There was in a long line at 7:45 a.m. today at the grocery store that opened at 8 a.m. for seniors only.
A young man came from the parking lot and tried to cut in at the front of the line, but an old lady beat him back into the parking lot with her cane.
He returned and tried to cut in again but an old man punched him in the gut, then kicked him to the ground and rolled him away.
As he approached the line for the 3rd time he said, "If you don't let me unlock the door, you'll never get in there."
O God, Who divides day from night, give us hearts and minds unshadowed by the gloom of evil; that we may think continually upon things that are good and wholesome, and be always pleasing in Thy sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
I send you my fatherly blessing, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen !
Msgr. Doug Raun
Greetings in the Risen Lord!
One of Four Ways to Deal With Your COVID-19 Worries
3. Relax and give God your worries in prayer
We all need to take time to count our blessings. In times like these, you must continually remind yourself of all God has done in your life.
But I also think it’s important to count your worries. Often, we just have a general sense of anxiety, but we don’t know what’s causing it. Before you can give God your worries, you need to have a clear idea of what they are. Once you’ve written them down, you can hand them over to God in prayer.
St. Peter says, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you” (1 Peter 5:7 ). You weren’t designed to carry your worries. It’s unnatural. God is big enough and strong enough to handle all your worries.
HOW TO GO TO MASS: this is for any Mass, weekday or weekend.....
1. Make a reservation - go to the parish website or call the office 892-1511. The office is open today until 5 pm.
2. Wear a mask. If you don't wear a mask, you won't be let into the church.
3. Receive Holy Communion on the hand. It's much safer for everyone.
Yesterday afternoon, after we had made all our plans and announcements, the Governor raised the attendance allowed at houses of worship to 25% . But it was just too late for us to change our plans, so this weekend we are operating at 10%. I'm sure that for next weekend, we will be able to expand to the 25% limit.
Because of the restoration of public Masses, we need to adjust the Confession times, effective TODAY :
Monday through Friday - 5 pm
Saturday - 2:30 pm
You need to be in the church at those times if you wish to confess. When the last penitent in line has confessed, the priest will not wait around: he will go home!
ST. FELIX FOOD DRIVE is today until 7 pm. Just go to the St. Felix truck parked outside the church. They are happy to accept non-perishable food and monetary donations.
CONGRATULATIONS ST. THOMAS AQUINAS SCHOOL GRADUATES : I just came from our school "graduation". It was so nice. The outside of the school was decorated with pictures of the graduates. Then the kids came by one by one in decorated cars. All the teachers and staff were lined up and congratulated the kids as they drove by. Then they were handed a bag through the car window with their diploma and small gifts. It was really lovely, and great fun. God bless our graduates: they got "cheated" out of their formal graduation and dinner/dance, but they all looked so happy. And God bless their families who sacrifice so that their kids can receive a Catholic education.
And God bless all of our Sisters, teachers, and staff at the school. They have been amazing, especially being able to switch to on-line teaching during this pestilence.
IF YOU ARE UNDER 60, JESUS NEEDS YOU. As we prepare for Phase 1 of public worship reopening, we are needing readers, ushers, Eucharistic ministers and other ministries. At this stage of the game, we want people who are under 60 - people who are not "high risk". Guess what: we don't have those many of them.
It's understandable - older parishioners don't have kids at home and are often retired. But at this time, we have to protect them from the virus. If you are 18 to 59 years old, I want to challenge you: what are you doing for your church family? This is your time to serve. Jesus needs you - now. If the Lord is calling you to step up and meet the challenge of these times, give the church office a call. 892-1511
There was in a long line at 7:45 a.m. today at the grocery store that opened at 8 a.m. for seniors only.
A young man came from the parking lot and tried to cut in at the front of the line, but an old lady beat him back into the parking lot with her cane.
He returned and tried to cut in again but an old man punched him in the gut, then kicked him to the ground and rolled him away.
As he approached the line for the 3rd time he said, "If you don't let me unlock the door, you'll never get in there."
O God, Who divides day from night, give us hearts and minds unshadowed by the gloom of evil; that we may think continually upon things that are good and wholesome, and be always pleasing in Thy sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
I send you my fatherly blessing, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen !
Msgr. Doug Raun
Posted in Daily Memo from Msgr. Raun
When will I beable to go back to my adoration chapel hours Saturday 3am-5am?
Jeanne, thanks for the question. We are currently evaluating when our Perpetual Adoration chapel can open. Please know that we speak of this almost daily.
Thank you for your words of comfort and guidance Msgr. Wishing you good health and forever in our prayers.