Memo from Msgr. Raun- Thursday May 14th, 2020

My dear family,
Greetings in the Risen Lord!

One of Four Ways to Deal With Your COVID-19 Worries
2.Give Jesus control over every area of your life.

Worry is a warning light that you have an area you haven’t fully given over to God. When God isn’t number one, you’ll worry in that area.
When you love something more than God, it becomes a source of stress and anxiety in your life. Even good things—like our marriages, our children, and our jobs—can become sources of worry if we give them first place in our lives. When anything becomes an idol in our lives, it creates insecurity and worry.

THE GOVERNOR'S ANNOUNCEMENT: friends, I'm sure that many of you are aware that yesterday the Governor announced that after May 15th, houses of worship can resume public worship at 10% of their seating capacity. For us at St. Thomas, that is about 100 people. We thank God that, although it is limited, we can resume public Worship.

We are awaiting word from the Archdiocese today, that will give us directives as to how we are to implement this. I hope that tomorrow I will be able to send out a very important memo that will tell us how we can start returning to Holy Mass and Holy Communion.

The big thing to keep in mind is this: you won't be able to just show up at whatever Mass you feel like. You will basically have to "make a reservation" for Mass. Not everyone will be able to go to a Sunday Mass - it could well be a weekday Mass. The Sunday Mass obligation will continue to be dispensed. And there will be plenty of "social distancing" regulations. And - if you don't have a mask, I would get one now.

Much more about this tomorrow....... 

HOLINESS TIP:  taken from the sayings of Blessed Laura Vicuña....

“Suffer silently and smile always.” Stay cheerful, even in the midst of suffering. In other words, offer it up and keep smiling.



-Eleanor Roosevelt said "You must do the thing you think you cannot do". This does not apply to haircuts during the quarantine.

HUSBAND: "One nice thing about the quarantine is that we haven't been out spending money."
WIFE: "Yes, how nice (as she clicks "Add to Cart")"


Lord, help me
Be prepared, but not anxious.
Be aware, but not desperate.
Be vigilant, but not in fear.
Be joyful, but not clueless.
Be faithful, but not careless.
Lord, be my hope and strength.

I send you my fatherly blessing, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen !
Msgr. Doug Raun

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