Memo from Msgr. Raun - Monday, May 4th, 2020
My dear family in the Lord, Good Morning ! REASONS TO HOPE IN GOD'S GOODNESS Psalm 23 gives nine different benefits of God’s goodness—reasons why people can have hope no matter what is happening with COVID-19. God will teach you to relax when you’re stressed out! “He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters” (Psalm 23:2). God will lead you to a place of peace. He’ll teach you how to relax when you’re stressed. OUR "HABITS OF HAPPINESS" BIBLE STUDY CONTINUES TONIGHT with Deacon Dave Little teaching at 7 pm. Our topic will be "The Humble Path To Happiness". MONSIGNOR, WHEN ARE WE GOING TO START HAVING MASS AGAIN? I understandably get asked that question all the time. And I always give the same answer - ask the Governor. In her last news conference, the Governor did say that she is looking for a way to resume public worship with limited attendance after May 15th. My guess is that this is the shape of things to come in the next few months. We will be able to have a certain number of people in the church at any one time, all practicing "social distancing" . How this will be worked out in practice, we shall have to see in the next few weeks. Thank God that we live in a free country, where we can disagree with our civil authorities. But friends, we do have to obey them in all lawful directives. The New Testament tells us repeatedly to obey the civil authorities (and St. Peter and St. Paul were talking about the wicked Emperor Nero!) All the more we have the civic duty to obey the law made and enforced by those who we ourselves elected to public office. God has given the government the duty of protecting public health. God knows I value the right to religious freedom. But every right is limited by respect for the rights of others. A wise man once said that the Statue of Liberty on the East Coast should be balanced by a Statue of Responsibility on the West Coast, because the two go together. Now is the time for us to use our Freedom with Responsibility. I feel sorry for our public officials. I think the present crises has placed almost impossible burdens upon their shoulders. Pray for them, and pray that soon a way will be found for us to celebrate public worship without endangering the lives of others. HOLINESS TIP: “One earns paradise with one’s daily task.” Daily life is what we can control. From making a good meal to gathering the family to say the Rosary, we can focus on the little things, which really are the big things.(inspired from the sayings of St.Gianna Molla). DAILY PARISH WORSHIP during the Quarantine:9 am - Holy Mass on-line 5:30 pm Confessions in the Adoration Chapel (Monday through Saturday) 6 pm Holy Hour on-line WE ARE IN THE MONTH OF MAY - PRAY THE ROSARY EVERY DAY! SHARE US ON-LINE on your social media. Download the parish app onto your smart phone or tablet. It the easiest way to receive everything the parish has to enrich your life. LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE: I was sitting on the couch, and my husband sweetly whispered, " The best part of all of this is that I get to spend more time with you." Filled with love, I turned and sweetly looked at him. He was talking to the dog. OUR PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord Jesus Christ, I rejoice and rejoice continually in Your glorious and triumphant victory over death. For Your victory is my victory. Help me to live by it, in it, and for it. I am grateful to my depths—grateful forever. Amen. I send you my fatherly blessing, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen ! Msgr. Doug Raun | | |
Posted in Daily Memo from Msgr. Raun
Thanks for your Fatherly guidance, Masses, Holy Hours etc. during these times. I really appreciate it! And the Habits of Happiness.ðŸ˜
FYI when the governor eases the social gathering limits (still at 5, I see):
Msg. Holmes, Holy Redeemer parish, Madison, Wisc. has Mass by invitation--eight people per Mass, two priests, (I imagine that is the limit for social gatherings in Wisc.) do two Masses per day. Attendance invitations come from Church membership roles, I assume. I would limit the invitations to those who are NOT the most vulnerable (I know we will not be happy, but the handwriting is on the wall--the authorities will protect us elders and ill into our graves😊)
An idea to pass on to those looking at the guidelines:
about making the Eucharist available, using the same social distancing as the "box stores.":. 20% of Church capacity in at a time, observing social distancing inside and outside in parked cars (listening to Mass on-line), priests in full PPE to protect themselves, like at the hospital.
So, we are a small social gathering, a "box" store, or a hospital---😉
My thoughts, also sent you a note by mail with a check 😊made possible by our Pres.
I pray for your health and well-being.
Angela Bennett 402-241-7177
Angela thank you for your response! Currently our team is looking into different possibilities to have the most people attend mass in accordance with the restrictions set forth by the government and the diocese.
This of course a major task for us, especially since we do not know what will be announced in the future. Please keep us in your prayers as the Clergy and directors discern our way forward in these times.
Thank You so much for your support to the mission of the parish - Encounter Christ, Live as His Disciples, Bring him to others. God Bless